Trike Crutch Holder 3D Download


Trike Crutch Holder — 3D printable files

There are 3 .stl files in the download set.

  1.  Frame attachment clip – Used for both upper and lower mounts
  2. Upper (crutch shaft) mount
  3. Lower (crutch foot) mount

As a bonus, a safety flag holder for a 7mm flagpole is included in the download package.

SKU: LCF_SW_CrtMnt Category: Tag:

Trike Crutch Holder – 3D Printer download file


The Trike Crutch Holder contains 2 assemblies.  Use the upper assembly to support the crutch shaft.  Mount it on the upper seat structure.

The lower assembly supports the crutch foot and is mounted to the lower trike frame.

Simply insert the crutch foot in to the lower holder, and clip the crutch shaft in to the upper holder.

You can carry a pair of crutches on your trike by printing and mounting 2 sets, one on each side of the trike.

3D Printing and installation

Use the “Frame mount” 2 times for each crutch.  One for the upper shaft holder and one for the lower crutch foot holder.

Attach each mount to the trike frame using machine screws and locknuts.  The mount will fit neatly on a 30 – 35mm diameter frame tube.  A rubber strip will make it snug on smaller diameter tubes.

A section (or sections) cut from an old bicycle tube can readily serve this purpose.

Insert the upper and lower holders in the frame mount at the required rotational orientation.  Then secure them in place with some screws and locknuts from your local bike store.  A 5mm hex screw and matching locknut will fit cleanly in to the recess provided in the printed parts.

The lower holder will fit a standard crutch rubberised foot, securely without rattle.

Press the crutch shaft, in to the upper holder, and it will grip it in place.

3D Print Media

We printed the Trike Crutch Holder in nylon for our tests.  Other non-brittle materials such as PTEG or ABS may also work.


We’ve included a .pdf installation and printing document in the download zip package.

Note: This product download is supplied under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The trike in the image is a Hase Bikes Lepus Steps:



<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="×15.png&quot; /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.


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